Page name: Babies as we see them [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-09-28 18:43:39
Last author: Lady of Lore
Owner: Lady of Lore
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Banner created by [moira hawthorne]
A contest of The Art Store run by the [Lady of Lore]

Closed and Winners Announced!

Babies as we see them winners

Vote at Babies as we see them voting

And at babies as we see them voting 2

Everyone loves babies, from those cute pudgy toes to the happy little gurgles babies have been object of adoration since forever and now a contest to honor them but with a twist.

<img:stuff/C%3ADocuments%20and%20SettingsLaceyDesktopElftown%20picturespacifire%20bullet.gif>Whatever you draw must be a baby.
<img:stuff/C%3ADocuments%20and%20SettingsLaceyDesktopElftown%20picturespacifire%20bullet.gif>The baby cannot be normal average human, you must be creative with it and make them something different, ex Dragon baby, mixed breed baby, monster baby, etc.
<img:stuff/C%3ADocuments%20and%20SettingsLaceyDesktopElftown%20picturespacifire%20bullet.gif>All meduims allowed, photomanipulations as well but please make them vert artistic and creative.
<img:stuff/C%3ADocuments%20and%20SettingsLaceyDesktopElftown%20picturespacifire%20bullet.gif>All work must be your own, collaberations is allowed but all parties must be credited.
<img:stuff/C%3ADocuments%20and%20SettingsLaceyDesktopElftown%20picturespacifire%20bullet.gif>Follow the Uploading Art rules.
<img:stuff/C%3ADocuments%20and%20SettingsLaceyDesktopElftown%20picturespacifire%20bullet.gif>The image must be uploaded to elftown!
<img:stuff/C%3ADocuments%20and%20SettingsLaceyDesktopElftown%20picturespacifire%20bullet.gif>Thumbnail your art, if you don't know how then say so and we'll gladly show you how.
<img:stuff/C%3ADocuments%20and%20SettingsLaceyDesktopElftown%20picturespacifire%20bullet.gif>Be creative with this. There will be several catagories for the winners but I'm not saying what they are so you'll have to wait and see.
<img:stuff/C%3ADocuments%20and%20SettingsLaceyDesktopElftown%20picturespacifire%20bullet.gif>You may have three entries (depending on how many people enter I may change this)
<img:stuff/C%3ADocuments%20and%20SettingsLaceyDesktopElftown%20picturespacifire%20bullet.gif>The deadline is August 1st 2006 I know it's not much time so get cracking!

Format for submitting;
Member Name: [Lady of Lore]
Work Title: Mama and Jr.
Medium Used:pencil, pen, and markers


Member Name: [Elwyne]
Work Title: Drakifelian Royal Ladies
Medium Used: Gel ink pen, markers, and color pencils

Member Name: [Elwyne]
Work Title: Infant Princess of Drakifel
Medium Used: Gel ink pen, markers, and color pencils

Member Name: [CelticDragon]
Work Title: Hatchling
Medium Used: Pencil, then inked.

Member Name: [dayah]
Work title: " baby hungry, feed me"
Medium: computer program Draw plus

Member Name: [Jitter]
Work title: "Look what I found!"
Medium: Photoshop6.0, Mouse. Done in 2004

Member Name: [Jitter]
Work title: "This is too big!"
Medium: Photoshop6.0, Mouse. Done in 2004
I will maybe change them later

Member Name: [moira hawthorne]
Work title: 'Dumoas and Chath' ...cute baby driders!
Medium: Photoshop 7 and pencil

Member Name: [moira hawthorne]
Work title: 'Newborn' ...centaur!
Medium: Photoshop 7 and pencil

Member name: [Cia_mar]
Work title: "the babysitter"-they definitely have a unique perspective on e "how we see babies"
Medium: pencil

Member name: [Dr.Mandarian]
Work title: 'little dragon human baby' ( I call him Yûmo )
Medium: graphite pencil work


Member name: [Thistlewood]
Work title: "taking a catnap"
Medium: prisma color pencils


Member Name: [Cia_mar]
Title: "Changling child with fairie"
Medium:background was watercolors, the people are done with GIMP!

Member name: [Li-Ga]
Title:"Newborn Baby Dragon (with his gentle mammy)" © G.L.
Medium: watersoluble pencils


Member Name: [Czestawa]
Title: "New born Kitten"
Medium: Colored pencils.

Member Name: [Jitter]
Title: "Little Mermaid"(girl)
Medium: Colored pencils, watercolour, oil pastels, indian ink, markers

Member Name: [Doomedraptor]
Title: "Demons"
Medium: Watercolor and Pen and Ink

Members Name: [WestFactor] & [Mom]
Medium: tablet photoshop


Members Name: [evil beavle]
Title: "the meeting of a little Catoblepas"
Medium: Metallic coloured pencils, coloured pencils & Charcoal pencils, Paint. Blood, sweat & tears.

Members Name: [evil beavle]
Title: "the meeting of a little Catoblepas at night"
Medium: Metallic coloured pencils, coloured pencils & Charcoal pencils, Paint. Blood, sweat & tears.

Members name: [Cia_mar]
Title: "its a baby, one eyed one horned flying purple people eater"


The lovely baby gifs were made by [dayah]
<img:stuff/C%3ADocuments%20and%20SettingsLaceyDesktopElftown%20picturespacifire%20bullet.gif>Back to The Art Store<img:stuff/C%3ADocuments%20and%20SettingsLaceyDesktopElftown%20picturespacifire%20bullet.gif>

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2006-06-12 [Elwyne]: oops wrong version, just a sec

2006-06-12 [Lady of Lore]: ?

2006-06-12 [Elwyne]: I have two versions of that picture, it's from a photograph of my sister and neice. One is more or less realistic (points up) Then I have my Drakifelian version, which I have to replace the currant one with

2006-06-12 [Lady of Lore]: Drakifelian version, is that the kitty one? That would work just fine ^^

2006-06-12 [Elwyne]: Kitty, dragon It has a story behind why I did them just like that!

2006-06-12 [Lady of Lore]: cute!

2006-06-12 [Elwyne]: Thank you!

2006-06-13 [toycar]: erm, i have an entry that i would like to enter...only problem is that its in another baby art contest... I've been planning on touching it up a bit...cause i did it a while back...but if i cant use it..ill just do something else...thats ok too :)

2006-06-13 [Linn Scarlett]: I have this urge to draw some one of my characters as a baby... like... Meldor... or Linn herself or... *ponders*

2006-06-13 [dayah]: awe its soo cute...seen them before once...but I think they are soo cute

2006-06-13 [Elwyne]: Thank you! Of course the bottom version of Alyssa was scanned and downloaded side-ways and I'm not sure how to fix, so she'll just have to do the way she is. She's actually supposed to be lieing on her back.

2006-06-14 [Lothuriel]: oooh, babies are my specialty!! I'm in !!

2006-06-14 [CelticDragon]: How d'you thumbnail stuff?

2006-06-14 [Cia_mar]: very nice [CelticDragon]

2006-06-14 [Lothuriel]: like this <img100: 

2006-06-14 [CelticDragon]: Got it. Dang that's tiny. Thanks. :) 'Twas a commission for another elfwooder's story.

2006-06-14 [Cia_mar]: maybe size 200 or 300 instead?

2006-06-14 [CelticDragon]: Good size?

2006-06-14 [Cia_mar]: that looks better... but if you wanted to you couls even go to 400 and then it would be about the same as the others

2006-06-14 [Elwyne]: whoa! I think I'll wait until it's decided what number or size and then change my number (which I don't have up yet)

2006-06-14 [Elwyne]: By the way, baby dragon is adorable!!!!!!!!

2006-06-14 [dayah]: yes I plan on joining this contest...has to figure out what to draw first but I will come up with something..hehe

2006-06-14 [Cia_mar]: what about YOUR baby dragons, daya?

2006-06-14 [Lady of Lore]: ^_^ cute!

2006-06-15 [CelticDragon]: Thanks. ^_^

2006-06-17 [dayah]: yeah was thinking about that..going to get them right now..but I want to draw a new one too for this one

2006-06-17 [Cia_mar]: i like this one! so cute *pets baby dragon*

2006-06-17 [dayah]: heheh...thanks..I like him too...

2006-06-17 [dayah]: oh jitter they are so cute...the adorable

2006-06-17 [Lothuriel]: *wants to take the rattie home*

2006-06-17 [dayah]: yes very cute..aww

2006-06-17 [Jitter]: thank you ^_^ Day, Does the fairy girl remind you anything? ;)

2006-06-17 [dayah]: yes it does...I seen it earlier and thought hey that girl is jinx.hehehe..this one is really neat..I love the art you do it so kool

2006-06-17 [Jitter]: Thank you. This is the old piece I told you I re-did for Jinx :)

2006-06-17 [dayah]: yep..told me...stil llike it though

2006-06-20 [Lady of Lore]: Awwww! the new ones are cute!! ^^

2006-06-20 [Jitter]: Thanks ^_^

2006-06-20 [Hobbit teen]: i think elwynes drawings on here are adorable!!!

2006-06-20 [Hobbit teen]: by the way when is the deadline for this contest?

2006-06-21 [Lady of Lore]: August 1st is teh deadline ^^

2006-06-22 [Elwyne]: Thank you hobbit teen!

2006-06-23 [Lady of Lore]: cute baby driders!

2006-06-23 [moira hawthorne]: thx u...

2006-06-23 [moira hawthorne]: <img:stuff/baby%20contest%20banner.jpg>

2006-06-23 [moira hawthorne]: or I could make it with capitals on A W S T

2006-06-23 [Cia_mar]: great chibified baby centaur!

2006-06-23 [moira hawthorne]: the eyes! the eyes! they are like LOOKING at me! you cant believe how much time I spent redrawing and colouring those eyes! I figure one day I will get them right... Im still learning to draw chibi cute...

2006-06-23 [Cia_mar]: it is cute... speaking of.. i colored that one pic with some markers i will send it to you here in a sec after i scan

2006-06-23 [moira hawthorne]: the chibi you? I alnmost entered art of Eirikr here... but realized he is a normal baby and couldnt be in this contest... so he is in my family wiki...

2006-06-23 [Cia_mar]: lol.. yeah i almose did the same... yeah that is the one i am referring to...

2006-06-23 [moira hawthorne]: I thought to do what [Elwyne] did... and nekko-ize him... but it didnt work with the drawing.. maybe another ... tho he should be a baby demon/dragon

2006-06-23 [Cia_mar]: lol... sometimes i bet you think he

2006-06-23 [moira hawthorne]: oooooo yes!

2006-06-23 [moira hawthorne]: hahaha thats good Cia_mar

2006-06-23 [Cia_mar]: thanks... i couldn't resist!

2006-06-23 [Lady of Lore]: ^____^ thanks for the banner! And I know exactly how that babysitter feels! (I work as a babysitter so much it;s like I'm a nanny! (at least the pay is good $10an hour)

2006-06-23 [moira hawthorne]: nanny pay sninks... I made less than minium wage at times!

2006-06-23 [moira hawthorne]: glad you like the banner...

2006-06-23 [Lady of Lore]: really!aww, that really bites! I was very suprosed by my pay but I was definatly not one to complain :P I made a good $70 bucks every time I babysat her kids (3 of them one is an infant so yucky daipers but worth it)

2006-06-23 [Cia_mar]: yeah i used to babysit all the time in highschool... and then after i graduated i worked at a daycare center... one and half to two and a half year olds....

2006-06-23 [Lady of Lore]: they can be very adorable if they want to but if not (shudder) :P

2006-06-23 [moira hawthorne]: babysat.. daycare... day camp.. summer camp and nanny

2006-06-23 [moira hawthorne]: I find the 5 and olders challenging

2006-06-23 [Cia_mar]: lol.. been there got many tee then i became a mom of 5.. i think i got plenty of training!

2006-06-23 [moira hawthorne]: yes... it was the one reason I decided to have my own

2006-06-23 [Cia_mar]: i always wanted kids too.. some of my friends never wanted to babysit and still do not care for kids and so do not have any

2006-07-01 [toycar]: haha Mandarian thats freakin awesome. Im doing a dragon baby too...but its so different. I just thought the whole idea behind a human and a dragon procreating was amusing... wonder how they could...actually do it o.O

2006-07-02 [Lady of Lore]: dragons can take on human form only thier offspring suffer, ^^ (read myths on that)

2006-07-03 [moira hawthorne]: [Thistlewood] that is so cute!

2006-07-03 [Thistlewood]: Thank you. This contest caught my eye so I figured I would try.

2006-07-03 [dayah]: oh thistlewood..ack can't type, That is soooo adorable...

2006-07-03 [toycar]: I really should read more >.> I have a rather large fee on my library card, rather scared to visit that place again... :S

2006-07-03 [moira hawthorne]: I do too... and I feel quite upset about it... since it was for some childhood's movies... really old tapes... i returned them with the books... and I wasnt told that i only had a day for movies not two weeks like the books... gee what child only watches a movie once?

2006-07-03 [toycar]: I don’t even watch a movie just once if I hire it... silly really. Mine were a load of books on how to speak German, I knew however that I had them overdue for a while...I just didn’t want to give them back :D

2006-07-03 [Jitter]: Oooh Thistle :O /worship

2006-07-03 [Cia_mar]: i  like it [Thistlewood] very nice!

2006-07-03 [Thistlewood]: blushes* thank you!

2006-07-04 [Elwyne]: Awww... Thistle no fair! She's adorable! And kittiness too!

2006-07-04 [moira hawthorne]: he

2006-07-04 [Elwyne]: oops sorry, thought it was a girl

2006-07-04 [moira hawthorne]: well you cant see beween his legs.. so its an understandable mistake... but its on Thistlewood's house that he is a he...

2006-07-05 [Elwyne]: ah!

2006-07-07 [Thistlewood]: Boy--girl...I call everything a boy. I'm just glad you like the baby.

2006-07-08 [Elwyne]: I do!!!

2006-07-08 [Elwyne]: And please don't call any of my pictures up there boys, they're both of my neice and she's definitely a girl... attitude included.

2006-07-08 [Thistlewood]: I won't! If I know they are girls, then that is what I call them. If I'm not sure, or can't tell then it is a boy :)

2006-07-12 [Elwyne]: ok! :D

2006-07-14 [Cia_mar]: cute on batter

2006-07-14 [Li-Ga]: Well, I am in :)

2006-07-17 [WestFactor]: We might need more time! lol I'm so bad with deadlines but I really need to enter this one!! lol

2006-07-18 [toycar]: haha same >.> I have pretty much a head, but i havent even started colouring in the body..which is so far a really dodgy sketch x.x

2006-07-30 [Lady of Lore]: cute cyclops baby ^_^

2006-07-30 [Thistlewood]: Awww! How cute!!

2006-07-30 [Cia_mar]: how cute mom!

2006-07-31 [Junko987]: What an adorable little centaur!

2006-07-31 [moira hawthorne]: thx U...

2006-07-31 [dayah]: awsome picture mom and west...:)

2006-07-31 [evil beavle]: fieuw...I finally finist it...It took me 2 hours to put those 2 up here...sigh

2006-07-31 [moira hawthorne]: I like the lower photoshoped one best... the night version... its cool... but it be really nice to see it larger... so I can see the details...

2006-07-31 [evil beavle]: If I make my art larger than 600 it becomes ugly, I think

2006-07-31 [Lady of Lore]:

Tomorrow is that last day for entries!

2006-07-31 [moira hawthorne]: hahahaha too funny cia_mar!

2006-07-31 [Lady of Lore]: that is pretty funny Cia ^_^

2006-07-31 [Cia_mar]: couldn't resist!

2006-08-03 [toycar]: haha oh well, i got lazy...but at least this gave me some drawing ideas for a while :D cia_mar, haha, thats pretty neat. anyway...lovely work to all :)

2006-08-03 [Cia_mar]: thanks!

2006-08-03 [Cia_mar]: under consideration? that is an interesting way to say that voting is happening or will be happening

2006-08-03 [Lady of Lore]: lol ^_^ I wanted something different

2006-08-03 [moira hawthorne]: so is there gonna be a open vote... or are you deciding the winner?

2006-08-03 [Cia_mar]: ??? yes inquiring minds want to know!!!!

2006-08-03 [Lady of Lore]: a bit of both ^^ I'll choose some of the catagories, you guys choose the others ^^ deciding right now wich catagories will be wich ^^

2006-08-03 [moira hawthorne]: ooooh ok

2006-08-03 [Cia_mar]: ah... okl

2006-08-03 [Cia_mar]: ah... a poll!

2006-08-03 [Cia_mar]: i know i saw a poll...? *scratches head*

2006-08-03 [Lady of Lore]: sorry moved it :P the First one is up and runnin! ^_^

2006-08-03 [Cia_mar]: yea!

2006-08-11 [Lady of Lore]: i'm working on the other voting catagories sorry about the delay there are two more to come

2006-08-11 [Cia_mar]: ok

2006-08-11 [Lady of Lore]: up and running! please advertise!

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